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Foods from fertile soil which gave consistent yields of high quality

​Foods from depleted soil due to excessively intense cultivation and inadequate soil management

Products(including eggs) from animals on pasture with more readily available nutrients from fresh plants

Products from factory-farmed animals with poor living conditions and hygiene,with excessive use of agrochemicals,antibiotics and chemical hormones

The whole animal is consumed including muscle meat, organs, bones(eg broths) and fat

Muscle meats preferred,few organ meats

​Dairy products raw and/or fermented

Dairy products pasteurized or ultrapasteurized lacking valuable vitamins and enzymes,monocultural fermentation

​Natural animal and vegetable fats like butter,tallow,lard,goose fat,coconut oil,extra virgin olive oil and sesame oil

Processed - industrial fats like hydrogenated oils,corn, sunflower, cottonseed and canola oil

Wild fish, fish eggs and shellfish from un-polluted waters.

Farm-raised fish which is less nutrient dense and may contain antibiotics and chemicals

​Grains, seeds, legumes and nuts are soaked, fermented, sprouted, or naturally leavened to neutralize naturally occurring anti-nutrients such as enzyme inhibitors, tannins and phytic acid

Grains refined, and/or extruded altering proteins in food which becomes unrecognizable to the human body

Enzyme-rich lacto-fermented vegetables and condiments like sauerkraut

Processed, pasteurized with high amounts of corn syrup and sugar like pickles, ketchup and mayonnaise

Lacto-fermented beverages

Modern sugar-sweetened beverages

A great variety of more than 50 different plants consumed regularly including nutrient-dense wild plants

Poor variety and quantities in fruit and vegetable daily consumption

Soy foods prepared with long fermentation,methods, consumed in small amounts

Soy foods industrially processed with high isoflavone content due to lack of proper fermentation, consumed in large amounts

Unrefined salt with 80 important elements

Refined salt with poor value due to high temperature used during processing and potentially toxic overload

Natural sweeteners like honey,maple syrup and molasses

Artificial sweeteners leading to health hazards including carcinogenicity

Enhancement of flavor with salt and spices

Use of artificial flavoring from petroleum and other inedible substances

All six tastes (sweet,sour,salty,pungent,bitter and astringent),were present in meals

Modern diet favors sweet and salty taste

Diet based on local products, meals prepared in traditional ways with high culinary knowledge and confidence, consumed in a more ritualistic way with gratitude and sharing within the family and the community

Diet choices based on pleasure rather than nourishment following poorly researched trends imposed by the social media and financial interests. Overconsumption of calories, lack of knowledge regarding the origin and the production of the ingredients

Meals prepared at home

Industrially prepared highly processed meals commonly microwaved, irradiated and consumed under stress

Traditional diets appear with high content of micronutrients

Lack of natural micronutrients in modern diets,synthetic vitamins added

Seeds from organic conservation, use of traditional varieties, local animal breeds that are genetically adapted to their environment

Genetically modified seeds and farm animals

What does the word “diet” mean to you? For many people, it means following a specific food plan to lose weight or refers to food and drink regularly consumed. The word actually comes from the Greek word “diaita”(Δίαιτα) which means “way of life”. Diaita has a broader meaning corresponding to our food choices, lifestyle choices even our moral and political values. Our many paths in life.

Writer's picture: Ioanna LapataIoanna Lapata

Updated: Mar 12, 2023

Health according to WHO

World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition. Health is the core of our ability to live life's material, relational and subjective dimensions to the full

Health according to Tibetan Medicine

Health is the dynamic equilibrium between the three innate forces (three humors) called Wind, Bile and Phlegm, the seven body constituents constantly produced in our body through the various stages of digestion, and the elimination of waste products. In order to be healthy, the five elemental energies and the psychophysical foundation of the body must remain well balanced and in harmony through appropriate diet and behavior. Good health is fundamental for both spiritual and material well being. In Tibetan medical thangkas which are paintings serving as illustrative teaching material of the basic reference text of Tibetan medicine called 'Gyu zhi’, ideal health is symbolized as the flowers of a wish fulfilling tree.(photo on the right:detail of a medical thangka illustrating the tree of physiology)

Good health, an optimum of life span, social recognition, friendships, honor, wealth and the different goals in life can be achieved if one follows the principles and rules of Tibetan medicine.

Given the fact that there are organs in our body (e.g. the liver) whose blockage and malfunction is not reflected in lab tests and examinations before they have already lost 60% of their capacity to fulfill their role, we should not ignore symptoms like unhappiness, irritability, lack of energy, indigestion etc.

It is my deepest understanding that the most serious disease of the 21 century is neither cancer nor an autoimmune diagnosis, it's the acceptance by the average person to function on a surviving mode rather than a thriving one.


The contents of the Tibetan Wise Traditions Blog are for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is your responsibility to make good use of this information. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the TWT site.

Tibetan Wise Traditions

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